How Long Should I Wait To Drink Alcohol Aftert Taking Ativan How Long Should You Wait To Drink Alcohol After Taking A Sleeping Pill?

How long should you wait to drink alcohol after taking a sleeping pill? - how long should i wait to drink alcohol aftert taking ativan

I took Tylenol just last night at about 9 clock, you can take if it hours after 24?


stephen k said...

24 hours later? Okay

Julie Beth said...

They are drinking well.

ridgerun... said...

I take it and wash down with a beer so yes .. Their alcohol consumption by 24 hours after

BlueSea said...


jayzee said...

I guess we just wait the time it takes away the sleeping pill - the thinking is usually 7-8 hours, I do. After 24 hours later should be good.

Brandy T said...

I do not know. Maybe after you wake up again and maybe even 8 hours later.

nocareer... said...

I think. The normal 1 / 2 life of Tylenol PM is a few hours. Just do not mix the two. I did it once and it was all night.

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